Taizé 2019 – Day 8: Experiences

July 29, 2020
Taizé 2019 – Day 8: Experiences

Being the only two students who have travelled to Taize from York college this year, we (Evie, 16 and Rosie, 19) were very excited to be invited onto this pilgrimage. After hearing about Taize from our teacher, Anna, we both decided that we had to come. Through the charity and the hospitality of the Archbishop, the Youth Trust, and many other individuals along the way, this is the first year that our college has been involved in this trip.

We both came to Taize for different, yet similar reasons, Evie came in order to grow her connection with God, and meet other young people finding their faith. Rosie came to Taize in the hopes of deepening her connection to God in order to answer questions around her calling to the church.

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I, Rosie, have found this experience to be incredibly useful for my journey. Last night, in the Church of Reconciliation, the Brothers lay down the cross on the floor for people to pray around. When it was my turn to kneel and pray, I felt wave upon wave of love, empathy, and hope wash over me as I repeated ‘thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me’. I have never been neither more at peace with myself nor more connected to my faith and my calling. Already, I am planning a second trip to Taize in October, and a third next summer. I can’t wait to return and keep strengthening my faith through the unique worship found here.

Taize offers plenty of time for reflection, in each church service there is a time for silence and reflection. During the silence, I (Evie) will reflect on my faith and the plan God has created for me. I find that the silence and the possibility to reflect leaves me with a peaceful, calm feeling that I’ve never felt anywhere else in the world.

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