The KS3 Award is a fully resourced leadership, character education and personal development programme for delivery within schools. It supports students to become confident and resilient leaders, who develop a growth mindset, become independent thinkers and good communicators, and who have compassion and care for their communities.
Explore the role of servant leadership. Be inspired by people of faith who have impacted their communities in this way. Identify social and environmental issues. Examine how to bring hope to community. Prepare to be courageous advocates.
For our English schools, the Award has strong links to SMSC, British Values, PSHE, Character Education, Citizenship, RE and SIAMS.
For our Welsh schools, the Award has strong links to the four purposes, fostering cynefin and developing important life skills. It contributes to areas of learning and experience in the RVE and RSE curriculums.
The Award costs £12 per pupil + VAT. This includes access to all of the online teaching and learning materials, planning and assessment materials, a certificate on completion for each pupil, a school completion certificate and training and support for participating teachers.
Please contact us about discounts available if you would like to sign up more than 180 pupils
Students at Olive High School in Burnley have been supporting the homeless during Ramadan as part of their Young Leaders Award.
Archbishop Holgate's School, York, were delighted to welcome almost 100 members of local churches and the wider community to have afternoon tea.
The pupils at All Saints Academy, in Ingleby Barwick, on Teesside, raised £420 for NEAS by organising a raffle supported by more than 30 local businesses.