Taize 2017 - Day 8: Reflections

July 29, 2020
Taize 2017 - Day 8: Reflections

Throughout the diary entries this week, the students have reflected on many different aspects of Taizé. They have explored their challenges, their emotional journeys and how Taizé has changed their thinking. But as we come to leave Taizé they have begun to reflect on what they will take away.

Maybe the silences? For many of us, Taizé’s use of silence has been thought-provoking. As you approach the church each day, from many metres away the Iconic ‘SILENCE’ signs are visible at each door. At first, these signs may seem commanding, like an instruction like a ‘no entry’ road sign – “you must be silent”. However, this is not Taizé’s or God’s heart. The signs are more like a ‘welcome to…’ location sign – “Welcome to silence, population: everyone’. Silence, however, is just one word we would use to describe Taizé.

You have such a profound and unique experience during your stay at Taizé that you feel you may leave a little of your heart here. However, as we reflect on all our experiences and memories of our trip, a better way perhaps to think is actually we have all found a new part of our heart. A new part that we can choose to take home and out work in our lives outside of this beautiful, transformational community.

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